37th Kingswood Drum Corps
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Scroll of Honour
Drum majors
This honour is awarded each year to the Corps Drum Major (conductor)l
Return to Scroll of Honour
2015 Alan Payne
2014 Rob Quick
2013 Sharon Coxhead
2012 Sharon Coxhead
2011 Sharon Coxhead
2010 Sharon Coxhead
2009 Sharon Coxhead
2008 Alex Fricker
2007 Carl Curtis
2006 Joe Rodwell
2005 Sonia Elliot
2004 Dave Hounsome
2003 John Webber & Chris Holt
2002 Wayne Mundy & Claire Jefferies
2001 John Webber
2000 Sarah Mogford
If there are gaps on this page, can you help us to fill them ? If so, please contact us by email,
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